Monday, November 24, 2008

SLOW DOWN!!! (In the Waiting...)

So I find myself today thinking that people (including myself) just really need to slow down. We have had a run of accidents (auto-related) in our church recently, and came very close to losing a couple of members. One accident happened when someone ran a stop sign, and another happened because of slippary roads.

But I couldn't help but think that both of the accidents (one of which was fatal) could have been avoided if people had just slowed down. We are going too fast in our society, and we don't even realize that by going so fast we are missing life entirely.

As we approach the Advent season, and are celebrating all around us is already at Christmas. It is this hurry up and get through mentality that has a lot of folks depressed and despondent.

I was reading the Isaiah text for Sunday (Isaiah 64:1-9), and thinking about how we feel like Isaiah felt...that if God would tear open the heavens and come down that life would be better.

I spent a bit of this morning journalling for this first time since becoming a pastor. I just haven't been taking the time to do it. And I realize that I need to slow down too. I am adament in our church that we won't have Christmas before Christmas...the lights are not going to be turned on the tree until Christmas Eve, as a symbol that Christmas doesn't come during Advent. We need to slow down and recognize that in the waiting God is working. In the waiting we can see others and help others. In the waiting we can hear God speaking...

So my friends...I wish you peace in the waiting. Take some time this week, and in the coming weeks to appreciate Advent for what it really is...a time to wait...a time to prepare our hearts, and a time to slow down and appreciate all that God is doing-in the waiting time.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Friday, November 7, 2008

When it rains...

Ah, what a week. I just finished a funeral for an amazing father of 7, who was a miner, a dairy farmer, and a World War II Vet. I am off to meet with a family of man who died last night who was one of the most amazing men I have ever met in my life.

What I wonder as I transition from one family to the other, is how a pastor keeps it all together sometimes. Funerals are wonderful chances to meet family members, and join together to celebrate the hope we have in the resurrection, but they also are incredibly draining.

The man whose funeral I will be doing next week was such a blessing in my life. I hope that you all can meet such amazing men...those who love their family, their country, and their neighbors.

God is good through it all...

If you have a chance, please say thank you to the folks you know who are veterans this week. They deserve a world of gratitude.

Until next post...

Peace to y'all!
Amy <><

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to hold it all together...

Do you ever have days when you just wonder how on earth you are supposed to hold it all together? I am so over the top right now I feel like I can't even breathe. I am so tired I can't even think, and so overextended that I feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions.

I know that God will never give me anything that He and I can't handle together, but right now I just need to take the time to breathe. ...

In the midst of writing this post, I just received a phone call from a friend. What an amazing gift of God it is to hear a caring voice on the other end of the phone! He uplifted my spirits, and gave me the strength to keep going today.

So, if you have free time, call your never know when it might make all the difference for someone.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Gift of Having Parents Who are Pastors.

I made it through surgery my friends, and now am trying to be back at work. Because surgery was on Friday afternoon, try as I might, I just was not able to do the entire service on Sunday...which meant my Dad, who is also a pastor filled in for me. My Mom, who is a pastor too (nothing like keeping it in the family!), preached while I was in the hospital two weeks ago. One of my parishoner's joked that when they called me, they didn't realize that they were getting the whole troop! :)

Being a double pastors' kid has had its ups and downs, but I must say after these last three weeks, that I was a double pk for a reason!

For now I am trying to keep smiling and keep working. I am hopeful that the pain I am feeling will get less with each day, and that once I get the stint removed, I will be a bit more back to "normal".

Thanks f0r your thoughts and prayers. I will write again soon.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Waiting for Friday...

So now I have found out that I will be having surgery on Friday, which is really, really scary. I hope that it will go well, and that it will get rid of the pain that I have been feeling lately...but as with every surgery there are risks in going under general anesthesia, etc.

I am asking for your prayers as I do my best to make it through surgery and recovery, and want you to know that I am blessed to have you all in my life.

May God grant you peace today in the midst of all you are doing.

Traveling mercies,
Amy <><

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life is really, really good...

My friend who lives in Norway has a blog entitled "Life is really, really good..." and I have truly felt that way lately. It is amazing how awesome life can feel when you are able to spend time being who God is calling you to be. I have spent the last two days playing with my brother's kids (and my brother and sister-in-law too!), and have had a blast, and now I am back in the church office trying to get some stuff done before I hit the road for the synod's fall theological conference. And as crazy as this coming week is, with a conference, and starting confirmation from the ground up, and two weddings and worship to get ready for?? I wouldn't have it any other way. I love it here, and love the people, and God is such an awesome and living God.

My hope for you this day, is that you too can feel soon that life is really, really good.

Until then, my prayers and thoughts are with you!

Amy <><

Sunday, September 21, 2008

These people are amazing...

So today was my first Sunday back at church after being in the hospital last week, and I must say, this congregation and their compassion continue to amaze me. They were so concerned, and so excited to have me back, and I am excited to be back at work too. We will see what the doctor has to say tomorrow...about whether or not the kidney stone has passed...but for now, the people of this congregation have restored my courage, and my hope that each day I am getting better, and I am in a place where I am incredibly loved.

Peace to y'all!
Amy <><

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This too shall pass...

For those of you who do not know, this past week has been filled with the adventure of getting to know the medical facilities in Aurora. I ended up calling for an ambulance on Saturday morning about 2 am because of severe pain in my back, was rushed to the ER, and admitted to the hospital about 2 hours later with a diagnosis of a kidney stone. I was in White Community Hospital for 2 days, and now am at home, still not feeling that great, waiting for the stone to pass.

My mom came up while I was in the hospital, and I was reminded what a blessing she is in my life, and what an amazing care giver she is as well.

Hearing far too many horror stories of kidney stones, and the procedure that I might have to have done this coming week if it doesn't pass, I am praying that it will, and praying for patience as well. I am doing my best to
still find ways to get done what needs to get done, and not over do at the same time.

So here's the thing I have been is my experience that tough health stuff tends to happen in my life for a reason...either to help me be more compassionate to others, to strengthen my ministry to families going through similar challenges, etc. I think this may be to teach me to be more patient and depend more on the Lord...

But here is what I am contemplating...does God let this happen so that we can learn the lessons we need to? Or does God work through the challenges to teach us the lessons?

Maybe that sounds the same to you, but I was just wondering. Needless to say, it has been a roller coaster. For now, I must head home. I am feeling a bit dizzy/nauseated at the moment.

Thanks for reading...hope I have better news to post soon!

Amy <><

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forgiveness and the hurt of the church...

God opened my eyes today, in a really big way. I was sitting at a WELCA meeting, getting to know some of the ladies that make our church run, and one of the women who I had just met earlier that morning started talking about why she doesn't come to church or volunteer as much as she would like.

You see, she tried to volunteer with the women's group, and was dealt with harshly because she did something incorrectly. She has only recently started coming back to try and help again, claiming to be "older and tougher" than she was when she was hurt.

I couldn't help but wondering at the timing of the conversation. I had been pondering the sermon for this Sunday...the text is about many times are we to forgive? 7 times? 77? 7 x 7? The short answer is we are to forgive over and over...

But our conversation got me thinking about how much we as "church" hurt people without even realizing it. And that breaks my heart. I know I am called to this congregation to "bring back the joy"...but now I am wondering if we also might need some time of reconcilliation...time where we recognize that just as we have all been hurt, we have all hurt others as well.

It is such a blessing that our God is better at forgiveness than we are!! So, wherever you are today, and whatever you are struggling with, don't forget that just as hurt as you feel, that you have hurt others, and don't forget that through it all...through the hurting and the being hurt, our God is a God of love and forgiveness. And God forgives us more times than we can count!

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Monday, September 8, 2008

From the "Pastor's Desk"...

So I am sitting in the office on a Monday ordination was on Saturday. It was so much fun, and so filled with blessings. A good friend of mine preached, and I was so glad that Darin could be a part of the day...he helped me survive internship, and will, I hope, be a colleague of mine for many years to come.

But today? Today I am sitting here and just feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. I am excited to have made it to this point, but also just feeling like I don't know where to start, since there are so many things on my plate right now.

I am excited to see the work that God can do through me here at Saint Mark's. I am excited to see how God continues to have hands and feet through the people here. They are amazing, and I am excited to be a part of it.

For now, I am reminded of the prayer of Saint Francis...Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;where there is doubt, faith;where there is despair, hope;where there is darkness, light;and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;to be understood, as to understand;to be loved, as to love;for it is in giving that we receive,it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

And in addition to that, my own prayer adds this...In the fear I am feeling, just use it for your glory. For you God, work all things for good.

Amen...and Amen.

~Amy <><

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Balancing Life in Rural Ministry...

Today is the first day I have been lonely out here. And not just a little lonely, but like down to the bone lonely. It is a hard adjustment to go from being really busy at two churches to being in the middle of the country with one. I am actually looking forward to starting work to have something to do. I am interested in seeing how this in the heart of finn country...I have a feeling that just as my ministry will be a challenge, so will my social life. All I hope right now, is that it gets better than today.

On another note, this week is going to be a big one. I meet with the family we are doing Tuesday's memorial service with tomorrow. Monday I hope to get some office work done and get things ready for the memorial service. Tuesday I have prayer group and the memorial service (and I think a committee meeting at night). Wednesday I have a graveside service for someone else. Thursday I have Interchurch Ministries, and Friday my friends and family start coming for my ordination which is Saturday. Sunday is my first service here...and then the week starts again.

Maybe I will go work on things for the service now. That will take my mind off today.

I must confess this funk I am in also is because a couple of pretty important folks aren't coming to my ordination. My "adopted" grandma is not able to come for health reasons, and my friend Paul isn't coming because he couldn't get off work. Yuck.

At any rate, as my Mom would say "Today isn't forever it just feels like it!"
Off to get some office work done...

Chat at ya later!
Amy <><

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Listening to the clock chime...

I am sitting in my office, and the clock just chimed here at my church where I will soon be ordained and officially become "Pastor Amy". It is an overwhelming moment, filled with excitement and fear. I just finished moving my predecessors files, etc into boxes so that the office would be as I hope to have it...and as I moved his things, I thought about all the wonderful ministry that has happened here over the years. Our church has been through some hard times and some wonderful times, and it is somewhat overwhelming as I sit at the beginning of this journey to think what the next pastor will find when they move into this office. I pray that the church will be a blessing for years to come, and that God can use me to minister to these people and this community...for they surely are already ministering to me!

The clock that chimed reminded me that God is in all things...through the ups and downs of this adventure of ministry...God watches over it all, and I am so thankful.

"Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

Praise be to God!
Amy <><

Friday, August 22, 2008

Are you who you want to be??

So I had coffee with a great friend this of those friends who is completely real and whom you leave thinking about what he said all day long.

We were talking about what it is like to be going into first call, and what I am excited about or scared about, etc, and during that conversation he talked about having people in your life who ask you "are you who you want to be?"...meaning that if you aren't behaving so hot, they call it to your attention.

These type of friends, who know all your stuff and love you anyway...these type of friends who love you enough not to leave you where you are...they are so integral to us becoming who God is calling us to be.

He is this type of friend to me (he isn't the only one, thankfully!), and I will miss him dearly when he moves to Norway. As I go over our conversation in my head now, sitting at the natural food co-op, I wonder who these people are going to be for me in my new call. I know that I need them, but I also know that they can be hard to find.

I look forward to getting to know the people better in my congregation, and creating a mutual ministry team...a team of people who encourage me when I need it, and who ask me "are you who you want to be? or are you who God is calling you to be?" We all need these kind of people, and it is my prayer that you find them in your lives as well.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm diving in...

So I have this song in my head today...
"I'm diving in
I'm going deep
In over my head I wanna be
Caught in the rush
Lost in the flow
In over my head I wanna go
The river's deep
The river's wide
The river's water is alive
So sink or swim
I'm diving in" --Steven Curtis Chapman "Dive"

I haven't officially started at the church yet, but have several meetings scheduled, as well as a wedding and a graveside service. The most exciting part though? The most exciting part is knowing that although right now I feel so incredibly overwhelmed that God is in control of it all, and with Christ, all things are possible!

All we can do is "dive in" and let God use us to bring others to know Christ. What a great blessing that is!

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's official!!

As of Sunday, I was called to be a pastor in the Northeast Minnesota Synod. I am excited to have a congregation, and have a place to be who God is calling me to be. My ordination date is set for September 6th, and I am calling to arrange when my first day will be this morning. I will let you know.

Until then, I am enjoying a week in Bellingham with my best friend. I will move to the parsonage on August unil my internet is set up there-

God's peace to y'all!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting for first call...and finding peace!

Ah, the joy continues in this hurry up and wait call process...but God is good through it all. I am waiting anxiously for August 3. Excited to be possibly called to a congregation with potential for growth, and challenged to be called to a congregation where one of the call committee folks told me that they hoped a new pastor could “bring back the joy”. I left that interview about a month ago “joy”, that is something I can do.

Now I just hope that it is God’s will that I go to this amazing place with it’s loving people.
But the waiting? The waiting is a challenge. So today, in the midst of my waiting, I walked the dog, picked raspberries, worked out at the Y, and now am headed for a glass of iced tea at my favorite coffee shop...

and I realize-

What a gift to be able to have peace while I wait. So today? Today I thank God for the waiting!
And for the rest of you, who might also be waiting for first call? Enjoy the stuff for yourself, and slow down and pick the raspberries!

Grace and peace, and traveling mercies!
Amy <><

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Awaiting The Call...

I just had my last day as a seminary resident-intern. Today I woke up as "Amy". It is a weird feeling to no longer be called "Vicar Amy", but I am also excited at the idea of someday soon being "Pastor Amy". As I pack up my current parsonage, and dream of what it will be like to unpack in the next parsonage, I also come to the realization that I am about to be called as someone's pastor...may God give me words to say, and may He use me to show his love to all that I meet.

May I live a life worthy of the calling to which I have been called! (Eph 4)

Grace and peace to you!
Amy <><