Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting for first call...and finding peace!

Ah, the joy continues in this hurry up and wait call process...but God is good through it all. I am waiting anxiously for August 3. Excited to be possibly called to a congregation with potential for growth, and challenged to be called to a congregation where one of the call committee folks told me that they hoped a new pastor could “bring back the joy”. I left that interview about a month ago “joy”, that is something I can do.

Now I just hope that it is God’s will that I go to this amazing place with it’s loving people.
But the waiting? The waiting is a challenge. So today, in the midst of my waiting, I walked the dog, picked raspberries, worked out at the Y, and now am headed for a glass of iced tea at my favorite coffee shop...

and I realize-

What a gift to be able to have peace while I wait. So today? Today I thank God for the waiting!
And for the rest of you, who might also be waiting for first call? Enjoy the stuff for yourself, and slow down and pick the raspberries!

Grace and peace, and traveling mercies!
Amy <><

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