Friday, November 7, 2008

When it rains...

Ah, what a week. I just finished a funeral for an amazing father of 7, who was a miner, a dairy farmer, and a World War II Vet. I am off to meet with a family of man who died last night who was one of the most amazing men I have ever met in my life.

What I wonder as I transition from one family to the other, is how a pastor keeps it all together sometimes. Funerals are wonderful chances to meet family members, and join together to celebrate the hope we have in the resurrection, but they also are incredibly draining.

The man whose funeral I will be doing next week was such a blessing in my life. I hope that you all can meet such amazing men...those who love their family, their country, and their neighbors.

God is good through it all...

If you have a chance, please say thank you to the folks you know who are veterans this week. They deserve a world of gratitude.

Until next post...

Peace to y'all!
Amy <><


Pastor Eric said...

You and I both have had our share of funerals. I just found out I have a funeral on Sunday afternoon. Funerals are draining indeed, but trying to hold it together after a draining Sunday morning will be interesting. God help me and you.

krista said...

How do pastors "live" in the midst of death? In my first 20 months of call, I had buried 20 people - including an 18 year old youth of the congregation who died unexpectedly from an aortic anyeurism. The grief is still palpable 6 months later. Programs, ministries and leaders are crumbling around as folks are just getting older and more tired and have never trained others into the ministries of the congregation. But we believe in a God who brings life from death -- who raises from the dead to give new life. That's what I cling to when I get overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, drained...that even tomorrow is a new day. I just wish sometimes that our resurrection was as quick as Jesus' -- three days and then Easter's alleluias!