Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to hold it all together...

Do you ever have days when you just wonder how on earth you are supposed to hold it all together? I am so over the top right now I feel like I can't even breathe. I am so tired I can't even think, and so overextended that I feel like I am being pulled in a million different directions.

I know that God will never give me anything that He and I can't handle together, but right now I just need to take the time to breathe. ...

In the midst of writing this post, I just received a phone call from a friend. What an amazing gift of God it is to hear a caring voice on the other end of the phone! He uplifted my spirits, and gave me the strength to keep going today.

So, if you have free time, call your never know when it might make all the difference for someone.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Gift of Having Parents Who are Pastors.

I made it through surgery my friends, and now am trying to be back at work. Because surgery was on Friday afternoon, try as I might, I just was not able to do the entire service on Sunday...which meant my Dad, who is also a pastor filled in for me. My Mom, who is a pastor too (nothing like keeping it in the family!), preached while I was in the hospital two weeks ago. One of my parishoner's joked that when they called me, they didn't realize that they were getting the whole troop! :)

Being a double pastors' kid has had its ups and downs, but I must say after these last three weeks, that I was a double pk for a reason!

For now I am trying to keep smiling and keep working. I am hopeful that the pain I am feeling will get less with each day, and that once I get the stint removed, I will be a bit more back to "normal".

Thanks f0r your thoughts and prayers. I will write again soon.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Waiting for Friday...

So now I have found out that I will be having surgery on Friday, which is really, really scary. I hope that it will go well, and that it will get rid of the pain that I have been feeling lately...but as with every surgery there are risks in going under general anesthesia, etc.

I am asking for your prayers as I do my best to make it through surgery and recovery, and want you to know that I am blessed to have you all in my life.

May God grant you peace today in the midst of all you are doing.

Traveling mercies,
Amy <><