Friday, August 22, 2008

Are you who you want to be??

So I had coffee with a great friend this of those friends who is completely real and whom you leave thinking about what he said all day long.

We were talking about what it is like to be going into first call, and what I am excited about or scared about, etc, and during that conversation he talked about having people in your life who ask you "are you who you want to be?"...meaning that if you aren't behaving so hot, they call it to your attention.

These type of friends, who know all your stuff and love you anyway...these type of friends who love you enough not to leave you where you are...they are so integral to us becoming who God is calling us to be.

He is this type of friend to me (he isn't the only one, thankfully!), and I will miss him dearly when he moves to Norway. As I go over our conversation in my head now, sitting at the natural food co-op, I wonder who these people are going to be for me in my new call. I know that I need them, but I also know that they can be hard to find.

I look forward to getting to know the people better in my congregation, and creating a mutual ministry team...a team of people who encourage me when I need it, and who ask me "are you who you want to be? or are you who God is calling you to be?" We all need these kind of people, and it is my prayer that you find them in your lives as well.

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

1 comment:

~dgee said...

Pastor Amy, what a joy to be able to address you as such! It is a true gift to have been called to journey with you as God forms you into a pastor...and I pray that despite distance we can continue to support one another as long-distance colleagues. You have helped me grow as well--in many ways. I appreciate so much your love of ministry and the people we are called as pastor to serve. And i value your spirit; the way you send words of greeting and encouragement show how much you are a vessel for God's love.

I will continue to ask this question of you...and trust you will do the same for others (and me!) For to be the pastor God is calling us to be is the only true way to be fulfilled.