Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Forgiveness and the hurt of the church...

God opened my eyes today, in a really big way. I was sitting at a WELCA meeting, getting to know some of the ladies that make our church run, and one of the women who I had just met earlier that morning started talking about why she doesn't come to church or volunteer as much as she would like.

You see, she tried to volunteer with the women's group, and was dealt with harshly because she did something incorrectly. She has only recently started coming back to try and help again, claiming to be "older and tougher" than she was when she was hurt.

I couldn't help but wondering at the timing of the conversation. I had been pondering the sermon for this Sunday...the text is about many times are we to forgive? 7 times? 77? 7 x 7? The short answer is we are to forgive over and over...

But our conversation got me thinking about how much we as "church" hurt people without even realizing it. And that breaks my heart. I know I am called to this congregation to "bring back the joy"...but now I am wondering if we also might need some time of reconcilliation...time where we recognize that just as we have all been hurt, we have all hurt others as well.

It is such a blessing that our God is better at forgiveness than we are!! So, wherever you are today, and whatever you are struggling with, don't forget that just as hurt as you feel, that you have hurt others, and don't forget that through it all...through the hurting and the being hurt, our God is a God of love and forgiveness. And God forgives us more times than we can count!

Grace and peace,
Amy <><

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