We have been struggling with the issues of same-gender marriage...as well as the question of whether or not we can ordain folks in same gender monogomus relationships...it was a heated discussion, and made me wonder about the future of our church, and where we are going...I pray that we can find a way to truly be a church that is open to all people, no matter who they are. Afterall, what makes me any better as a pastor just because I am heterosexual? Sheesh.
But I had to share this quote with you, it was said tonight by an amazing woman of God who is in a same gender relationship (and has been for years). She said to the assembly "If Christ mets your family on the road, surely he meets mine too."
And I found myself thinking, how true it is...doesn't God come and meet us where we are, love us for who we are, and ask us to love one another?
That's my thought for the night...what do you think??
Amy <><
1 comment:
I wonder, does your church ordain staright people who have been divorced? How about straight people who have had non-monogamous relationship?
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