Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Let it Snow, Jesus is Still Coming!

So I am sitting in my office, should be working on my Christmas Eve sermon, but I am distracted by watching this storm track across the midwest, headed our way. I keep getting interrupted by people calling and asking if we are still going to have worship tomorrow (Christmas Eve), and whether or not things are going to change.

And I can't help but think...first of all, I live like 150 feet from the church. If I can't get there, we must have gotten 6 feet of snow (which we are predicted to get closer to 8 inches!!). Secondly, we will have worship, with whoever can make it.

Why? Because Jesus came. Jesus came to a world that wasn't really ready for him...but had been waiting forever. Jesus came, not in the perfect hospital room, but in a manger full of hay, and in a cave that smelled like animals. Jesus came, and the Word was proclaimed to the shepherds first, the lowest of the low.

Ready or not, here he was, in all his messy glory. And it is for that reason that we gather on Christmas Eve. It isn't because we have always done isn't because we are supposed to do it...we gather because we will never understand the mystery of a God who loved the world so much that Jesus had to be born. We gather because we need to be reminded that in the midst of whatever crazy things are going on in our lives, Jesus comes into the heart of them.

So wherever you are this Christmas, whether you are with your family and friends, or snowed into your house with nothing to do, take the time to celebrate. Because Jesus came for you!